Camberley Reel Club

Bracknell & Camberley Reel Clubs Joint Spring Dance - Saturday 22nd March 2025

Bracknell Reel Club logo Camberley Reel Club logo

7.30 – 11.00 pm
Saturday 22nd March 2025

Carnation Hall, Chavey Down Road, Winkfield Row, Bracknell, Berks RG42 7PA

Dancing to Strathallan Scottish Dance Band


Videos and cribs are also available here

St. Andrew's Fair (J)
Mrs Macpherson of Inveran (R)
Butterscotch & Honey (S)
The Scallywag (J)
J. B. Milne (R)
Midsummer Common (S)
Inchmickery (J)
The Bon Viveur (M)
Trip to Timber Ridge (R)
The Grand March &
Ian Powrie's Farewell to Auchterarder (J)
Sugar Candie (S)
The Irish Rover (R)
Pelorus Jack (J)
Culla Bay (S)
Ramadan-ce (R)
The Byron Strathspey (S)
Old Nick's Lumber Room (J)
The Reel of the 51st Division (R)

Please bring a plate of food to share

Most dances will be walked

All raffle proceeds go to MND and the Mayor of Surrey Heath's Charity

FREE Practice Night

Tuesday 18th March at St Mary's Church Hall, Park Road, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 2SR

Tickets £17 from

Isabel Black 01344-642104 or 07905-052343
or David McQuillan 07704-756376
Cheques payable to Camberley Reel Club

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St Andrews Fair 32J

X, cast, X cast up; ½ turn R, set, chase; circle; ½ turn L, set, chase

1–8 1C CROSS RH, CAST 2 places; CROSS LH & CAST UP to 2nd place.
9–16 2C, 1C & 3C TURN prtnr RH half way, SET, CHASE c/wise to own sides.
17–24 3C 1C & 2C 6 HANDS ROUND AND BACK.
25–32 3C 1C & 2C TURN prtnr LH half way, SET, CHASE antic/wise to own side.

Mrs MacPherson of Inveran 32R

Inv R; Turn moving down & cast up; GC; circle

9–16 1C TURN RH 1½ times to 2nd pl ptnrs side, 2C having moved up. CAST up to top & CROSS DOWN to 2nd pl own sides facing 3C, 2C step up.
17–24 2C 1C & 3C GRAND CHAIN.
25–32 2C 1C & 3C 6 HANDS ROUND AND BACK.

Butterscotch and Honey 4x32S

Set, ½ turn, ½ prom reel (x3); cast up & dance down; set, turn, circle

1–8 1C SET, HALF TURN RH into promenade hold.
1C promenade HALF REEL OF THREE with 2C, 1C start passing 2M R Sh (2C end in 1st pl on opp sides).
9–16 1C promenade HALF REEL OF THREE with 3C, 1C start passing 3W L Sh (3C end in 2nd pl on opp sides).
1C promenade HALF REEL OF THREE with 4C, 1C start passing 4M R Sh (4C end in 3rd pl on opp sides, 1C end in 4th pl on opp sides facing down).
17–24 1C followed by 4C, 3C & 2C CAST up to top of set, CROSS at top of set and dance down inside lines to end 2, 3, 4, 1.
25–32 All SET and TURN partner both hands. 2C+3C, 4C+1C FOUR HANDS ROUND.

The Scallywag J8x40 3C in 4C set

Cast, 1 1/4 turn LH; Set, turn RH, 1/2 R3 across; Adv&Ret, dance to face 3 crnr pos; Repeat to face up/dn; Set adv, W turns under, Ld up, X, cast.

1-8 1s dance in and cast (2s step up); 1s turn 1Ό LH to face 1st corners
9-16 1s set to corners, turn corner RH to end 1L between 2s facing 2L and 1M between 3s facing 3M.
½ LSh reels of 3 across ending in lines of 3 across facing down/up
17-24 All advance and retire; 1s dance RSh round each other to face 3rd corner positions
25-32 Repeat 9-16 ending with 2s+3s facing in and 1s facing each other up/down
33-40 1s set advancing joining RH, set with Lady turning under Man's arm. 1s face up RH joined, lead up, cross and cast. 213

J. B. Milne 32R

Set & turn (x3), Petronella turn; 1C set & turn/cast while 2C/3C change & set (x3); set

1–8 1M & 2L SET ADVANCING and TURN RH. 1L & 2M repeat.
9–16 1C SET ADVANCING, TURN BH, CAST to 2nd place, PETRONELLA TURN (finish 1M between 3C, 1L between 2C).
17–24 1C SET, TURN Ύ RH (to opp sides), SET, TURN Ύ RH (to ends)
WHILE 2C & 3C change RH on side, SET, CROSS RH, SET.
25–32 1C SET, change RH in middle and CAST (by right) into 2nd place own sides
WHILE 2C & 3C change RH on side, SET and CROSS RH. ALL SET.

Midsummer Common (S 8x32 3C4) Tom & Lindsey Ibbotson

1s set, 1/2-turn, dn X cast; Set adv+turn 1st, 2nd cnrs; Circles, set, pet; Poussette

1–8 1s Set, 1/2-Turn RH; Ld dn, X below 3s (2s up on 5-6), Cast to 2nd
9–16 1s Set adv to BtoB facing 1st cnr as 1st cnr Set, Turn 1st cnr BH into lines ac;
1s Set adv to BtoB facing 2nd cnr as 2nd cnr Set, Turn 2nd cnr BH...
17–24 Circle 1M 2s & 1W 3s, 1s swivel R to face ptnr; 1s Set, Pet turn to 2nd
25–32 2s 1s Poussette

Inchmickery (J5x32) 5C set

1s circle w 2s & cast to 3pl; Teapots w 3s & 4s; Turn end cpls RH, pass RSh, other end cpls LH; Cast to 5 pl, circle w 5s

1–8 1s+2s circle 4H round to left, 1s dance in & cast to 3rd place.
9–16 1s dance RH across (1L with 3s & 1M with 4s), pass RSh & dance LH across with other couple 2 3 1 4 5.
17–24 1L+2M (at top) also 1M+5L (at bottom) turn RH, 1s pass RSh & 1L+5M (at bottom) also 1M+2L (at top) turn LH (1s end 3rd place own side).
25–32 1s dance in & cast to 5th place, 5s+1s circle 4H round to right. 2 3 4 5 1.

The Bon Viveur (S+R 2x32+2x32 4C4 Sq.Set) Ian Brockbank (2015)

Circle; M chain; 3/4-Schiehallion reels; TR

1–8 All Circle round & back
9–16 1s 3s M's Chain, end all W facing out
17–24 All dance Schiehallion reels (12 bars), end 1 pl cw 4123
25–32 All Birl (or Turn) ptnr RH, to 4123

Note: Dance twice as Strathspey, twice as Reel

Trip to Timber Ridge (R 8x32 3C4) Linda Henderson (2010)

1s turn, cast, RHA; Pass+turn 1st,2nd cnr; DT; Circle

1–8 1s Turn RH, Cast (2s up); RHA (1W 2s, 1M 3s), 1s end facing 1st cnr
9–16 1s Cnr Pass+Turn with 1st cnrs, pass RSh; rpt with 2nd cnrs,
1s pull back RSh to end BtoB in centre facing ptnrs side...
17–24 Dbl Triangles, last 2 bars 1s Pet turn to 2nd own side
25–32 2s 1s 3s Circle left and back


The Grand March and
Ian Powrie’s Farewell to Auchterarder 128J Square set

Circle; Women's solo; Promenade; Head cples dance round, set & turn; R4; Fig 8; LHA & home;Sides rpt; Promenade; Mens' solo; Circle.

9-16 W dance in front of ptnr, behind next man, RH ACROSS.
17-24 Repeat with remaining men.
25-32 All PROMENADE clockwise.
33-40 1C & 3C dance round couple on their left and in to face them; SET to and TURN RH.
49-56 1C & 3C FIGURE OF 8 around standing couples.
57-64 1C & 3C LH ACROSS, then return around standing couples.
65-96 2C & 4C repeat bars 33 – 64.
97-104 All PROMENADE anti-clockwise.
105-112 M dance in front of ptnr, behind W on their right, LH ACROSS.
113-120 Repeat with remaining women.

Sugar Candie (S 8x32 3C4) Unknown

Set, cast, round cnr; Circle, set, turn BH; Turn CPCP; R3 ptnrs side

1–8 1s Set, Cast to 2nd (2s up); X LSh, Cast RSh round 1st cnr & pull RSh back to end b-t-b in centre (W up, M dn)
9–16 Circle Left (1W 2s, 1M 3s), 1s pull RSh back to face each other;
1s Set, Turn BH to face 1st cnrs
17–24 1s Turn cnr, ptnr; cnr, ptnr (1st cnr RH, ptnr LH, 2nd cnr RH, ptnr LH)
25–32 Reels of 3 on sides (1s LSh to 1st cnr, 6 bars), 1s X RH to own side

The Irish Rover 32R

Dance dn & cast up; RHA; 2 x ½ R4; diag R+L

1–8 1C DANCE* down between 3C, cast to 2nd place. RH wheel, 1M with 3C, 1L with 2C.
9–16 1C HALF REEL OF FOUR with 1st corners, 1C HALF REEL OF FOUR with 2nd corners, turn LH to face 1st corner position.
17–24 REELS OF THREE across the dance, 1C finish on own sides in 2nd place.
25–32 DIAGONAL RIGHTS AND LEFTS (1L up, 1M down).

* Changed from Lead to Dance by RSCDS Nov-2019

Pelorus Jack 32J

Cross, cast, RHA; tandem reels; LHA, turn, set

1-8 1C CROSS RH, CAST, 1C+3C RH ACROSS to finish 1M facing his 1st crnr, with 1W in tandem behind him.
9-16 1C in tandem ½ diag REEL OF THREE with 3W and 2M.
When in crnr 1C change places so that 1W leads back into middle to face 2W. REPEAT ½ REEL OF THREE with 2W and 3M.
1C change in crnr so that M leads.
17-24 REPEAT ½ REELS OF THREE with crnrs, 1C changing pl in each crnr.
25-32 2C+1C LH ACROSS. 1C ½ TURN LH to own sides. ALL SET.

Culla Bay 4x32S Square Set

Turn & twizzle , cast; R4; circle; set, ½ RHA; LHA, cast

1–8 1C and 3C HALF TURN RH, pull R sh back and CAST to opposite side.
2C and 4C REPEAT, AST 1C and 3C dance round c/w one place, into centre, turn back to back to face out. (R sh to oncoming side cpl.)
9–16 All dance REELS OF FOUR across set.
17–24 1C+2C, 3C+4C FOUR HANDS ROUND to L. ALL SET, 1C+2C, 3C+4C ½ RH ACROSS.
25–32 2C+4C L HANDS ACROSS once round.
2C passing 1C, 4C passing 3C (R sh), dance c/w 1/4 way round set, 2C to 1st place, 4C to 3rd place.

Ramadan-ce (R 8x32 3C4) John Drewry (2000)

Inveran reels; X, cast, TR; RSh rnd 1st,2nd cnr/cnrs X+twirl; 1/2-R3s ac, sides

1–8 1s Inveran Reels with 2s 3s
9–16 1s X RH, Cast to 2nd (2s up); Turn RH to face 1st cnr
17–24 1s dance RSh rnd 1st cnr & pass RSh, dance RSh rnd 2nd cnr to end 2nd ptnrs side
WHILE 1st cnrs dance in, 1/2-Turn RH, twirl & dance out to each others pl, then 2nd cnrs sim, to (3)(1)(2)
25–32 1s 1/2-Reels of 3 ac (LSh to 3rd cnr posn);
1s 1/2-Reels of 3 on own side (RSh to 4th cnr)

The Byron Strathspey 3x32S 3 couple set

All ½ petronella, turn BH; Teapots; Prom R3; allemande

1–8 1C, 2C, 3C PETRONELLA turn, SET, all TURN ptnr BH 1Ό to own place.
9–16 2L+1C, 2M+3C RH ACROSS; 1C pass R Sh; 2M+1C, 2L+3C LH ACROSS. 2C finish in promenade hold facing 1L.
17–24 2C+1C REEL OF THREE ACROSS (1C in prom hold R Sh to 1L). Finish in order 2,1,3 (3C dance in on last step behind 1C)
25–32 All ALLEMANDE to finish 3,1,2.

Old Nick's Lumber Room 32J

Turn, cast, X down, cast up; Set, R3 across; R3 sides; X; Circle L with 2s, R with 3s

1–8 1C TURN RH, CAST OFF 1 pl; LEAD DOWN crossing over, CAST UP to 2nd pl.
9–16 2C, 1C & 3C SET, REELS OF 3 ACROSS (W with 2C, M with 3C).
17–24 REELS OF 3 on sides (1C on prtnrs side, begin RSh to 2nd crnr), 1C fin by crossing RH to 2nd pl own side & face up.
25–32 2C & 1C CIRCLE L; 1C & 3C CIRCLE R.

The Reel of the 51st Division 32R

Set, cast 2, lead up to 1st cnr; Set, turn, balance with 1st cnr, 2nd cnr; Circle

1–8 SET, CAST two places, LEAD UP to 1st corners.
9–16 1C SET to 1st crnrs, TURN RH, BAL IN LINE, TURN LH to 2nd crnrs.
17–24 1C SET to 2nd crnrs, TURN RH, BAL IN LINE, TURN LH to own sides.

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