Camberley Reel Club

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This is a p paragraph body text. Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow, and everywhere that Mary went that lamb was sure to go.

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This is a body-no-space paragraph. Mary had a little lamb, it had a sooty foot, and into Mary's bread and jam its sooty foot it put.

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This is a snippet paragraph

This is a snippet paragraph

Question Mark icon Did you know…? “On looking at a Scottish Country Dance, the first thing that should be noticed is the expression of happy enjoyment on the faces and in the movements of the dancers. After all, dancing is a joyous thing and must never become so drilled and detailed as to lose the natural social spirit, which should be aroused in the dancers by the lively movements of these national dances and the stimulus of their Scottish music.”

Jean C. Milligan ‘Won’t you Join the Dance’

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This is a quick crib

This is a crib body but the style is not used

The Gay Gordons - Indefinite x 16

Couples around the room facing anti-clockwise, ladies on the right.

Allemande to, fro, to, fro, twirl, polka.

1-2 In allemande hold walk forward for four steps, starting on the right foot.
3-4 Still moving in the same direction, and without letting go, pivot on the spot (so left hand is behind lady and right hand is in front) and take four steps backwards.
5-8 Repeat in the opposite direction.
9-12 Drop left hands, raise right hands above lady's head. Lady pivots on the spot. (The man may set).
13-16 Joining hands in ballroom hold, polka round the room.

Membership Programme of events 2021-22 Dance Repertoire

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You can download other cribs from


- notes on more than 3000 Scottish Country Dances

The Strathspey Server

- a repository of information about Scottish country dancing

You can download other cribs from

MINICRIB - notes on more than 3000 Scottish Country Dances

The Strathspey Server

- a repository of information about Scottish country dancing

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